Springmoor is known as a loving community with exceptional residents and staff. We’re proud that, in addition to nurturing a family atmosphere in which we support one another, we have a long history of reaching out to the larger community to give back.
Lyudmila Sinigur, RN, or “Liuda” as she’s known at Springmoor, is originally from Moldova. She immigrated to the United States two decades ago with her husband Dmitriy, who had relatives in Massachusetts. The couple subsequently moved to North Carolina, and Liuda earned her nursing degree at UNC-Wilmington.
Located in Eastern Europe between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova emerged as an independent republic after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. It is one of the poorest countries in Europe.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, more than 331,000 Ukrainian refugees have streamed across the border, further straining available resources. There are shortages of food, medical supplies, and many other necessities.
Liuda works with a group of other volunteers in Raleigh to locate and provide medical equipment and supplies to her country of origin. These are supplies that Springmoor and other healthcare facilities no longer need.
“I’m blessed to have such a wonderful director of nursing and an administration that was very open to the idea of donating supplies from Springmoor to Moldova,” says Liuda. “As soon as I told Debbie [Sivnksty, Director of Nursing] about the opportunity, she was very open and helpful.”

Largely due to Liuda’s efforts, for the past three years Springmoor has been able to donate many life-saving materials to be shipped overseas. These items have included the following:
• Standard mattresses.
• Pressure release air mattresses.
• Walkers and wheel chairs.
• Canes and crutches.
• Bedside commodes.
• Syringes and dressing supplies.
• Outdated medical equipment that is still functioning, such as IV pumps or suction materials.
These supplies are provided to hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and now to Ukrainian refugees in camps across Moldova. Liuda explains, “Medical items that are outdated or discontinued or just not in use here can benefit someone overseas, rather than being thrown in the garbage. Someone out there needs them and is very glad to get them.”
She adds that certain items are completely safe after they pass their expiration date. One example is dressing supplies packed in a sterile container that remains unopened. These supplies may not be suitable for surgery but are adequate for treating an injury in a clinic setting.
Often, donated durable medical equipment (DME) like commodes, walkers, and wheelchairs will have only slight wear or be perfectly serviceable with minimal repair. Liuda notes that expired medications are not sent.
“In North Carolina, there are many health department regulations concerning mattresses and different types of equipment like IV pumps or suction materials,” Liuda says. “The materials we ship out may be considered outdated here, but they can definitely be used in other countries by people who really need them.”
Liuda’s Career at Springmoor
Liuda has been a member of the Springmoor staff for more than 10 years. She started as a floor nurse and worked in our clinic supporting the Clinical Coordinator. She would sometimes serve as the relief coordinator when the Clinical Coordinator was out, and she also worked as the Interim Day Supervisor for four months.
She was recently promoted into nursing administration at Springmoor as our Staff Development Coordinator. In this vital role, Liuda works to educate staff about new equipment, policies, and procedures, as well as keeping the members of our care team up-to-date regarding in-service trainings required by the state.
She finds her new position fulfilling because she is involved throughout all stages of care, from admissions to discharges. “I help ensure each resident receives the best patient care possible,” she says.
Liuda adds, “I’ve had a wonderful experience at Springmoor. It has been a beautiful experience for me in my nursing career. I’ve had the opportunity to take on different roles here. I like a lot of variety, and I like to be challenged. I enjoy what I’m doing every day.”
“In addition to her wonderful contributions on our campus, we are so proud of Liuda’s endeavor to support people living in her native country of Moldova,” says Debbie. “Springmoor has been participating in this effort for several years now due to her commitment.”
About the North Carolina–Moldova Bilateral Partnership
The North Carolina–Moldova Bilateral Partnership was formalized in 1999 and is housed in the North Carolina Secretary of State’s office. The partnership has evolved into a multi-faceted effort to link our state with this European country to facilitate cooperation in multiple areas, such as civil emergency operations; the expansion of markets; cultural, scientific, and academic exchanges; and the coordination of humanitarian efforts of many governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Shipments of items such as medical supplies to which Springmoor contributes are just one of many activities conducted by the partnership. “Almost every year, a 40-foot high cube container with 30,000 pounds of humanitarian relief items is sent to Moldova,” Liuda explains. “The last one shipped out on June 8, 2022.”
Secretary of State Elaine Marshall has chaired the North Carolina side of the partnership since its inception. Many donors and volunteers help with projects such as the relief shipment. Liuda’s sister Lora Sinigur works full-time in the Secretary of State’s office, as well as volunteering her time to assist with the partnership.
After materials are collected and brought to a warehouse, Lora, Liuda, and Dmitriy conduct an inventory before packing and labeling the items. Along with other volunteers, they help load the shipping container at the warehouse.
“All of the donations are greatly appreciated,” says Liuda. “For example, in the last shipment we sent bedside commodes. A facility that was sharing one bedside commode for an entire floor of residents received additional equipment.”
In addition to medical supplies, the shipment from this past June included many educational supplies from crayons to textbooks for schools and universities. Toys and handmade hats, socks, and blankets for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova were also sent.
Donors, partners, and volunteers in North Carolina and Moldova who made the most recent shipment possible include the US Embassy Moldova, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Emergency Management, NC State University Libraries, Cape Fear Community College, and many private individuals, local families, and Moldova friends. The efforts of all who contributed money or their time to obtain, sort, pack, and transport donated goods are highly valued.
“The extent of the partnership goes way beyond the shipments,” Liuda adds. “Groups of Moldovans come to North Carolina to exchange experiences. There are librarians, nurses, doctors, dentists, journalists, people from the field of agriculture, and others who come here to enhance their learning.”
If you would like to volunteer to support the efforts of the partnership, you may contact Lora Sinigur at esinigur@sosnc.gov, and she will facilitate this process. Donations of time, funds, and supplies are gratefully accepted.
“Lora will be sure to put you to work in some way,” says Liuda with a smile. “Some people write checks, while others make blankets by hand.”
She has collected countless medical supplies from clinics, hospitals, and organizations like Springmoor for donation to Moldova over the years. “There’s always an opportunity to help, to be there for someone and provide emotional as well as financial support,” Liuda says. “Someone there can have these life-saving materials that we’re not using instead of us throwing them away.”
Liuda and her husband Dmitriy have a 20-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son who live with them. The couple’s parents and siblings have all immigrated to the United States; some of Dmitriy’s extended family members remain in Moldova.
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The Springmoor Residents Association boasts 19 different committees in which residents can choose to be involved. You can volunteer in our library or convenience store, help to raise money for our endowment, and so much more. The larger Raleigh community also offers countless volunteer opportunities.
You can get to know current residents before you move in. Those on our waitlist and others interested in joining our community are invited to visit Springmoor for a book club meeting, evening concert, or our Life Writing Workshop with Dr. James Clark.
You can also take advantage of a card game, exercise/aquatics class, and a variety of aspects of spiritual life at Springmoor to help ensure you’re making the best choice for you. In addition to numerous weekly activities coordinated by our two chaplains, we offer resident-led Sunday School. Click here to review our current events and activities highlights that are open to our waitlist.
Springmoor offers seniors a variety of residence options, ranging from apartments to larger villas and homes. Contact us today at 919-848-7080 to find out more about what makes our community so special.
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