“It bothers me to think about people being hungry,” Springmoor resident Judy Allen said.
That’s precisely why she has spent so much time volunteering for worthy causes in the Raleigh area that help feed those who may go hungry otherwise. And now that she’s living at Springmoor and enjoying more free time, Judy can continue making a difference for two of the organizations she serves: Meals on Wheels and Backpack Buddies.
More than a decade of meaningful deliveries
Judy has been volunteering for Meals on Wheels, delivering meals to fellow seniors and people living with disabilities, for 11 years. She started making deliveries as soon as she retired, but would have started sooner if she could have.

“Even while I was working, I wish I could have volunteered for Meals on Wheels; it’s such a fine program,” Judy explained. “It’s very fulfilling for me to help folks who might be hungry if it weren’t for the deliveries.”
As for the meals themselves, Judy and a friend from her church help distribute the meals that are prepared by Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. They collect the hot meals at Dorothea Dix Park in Raleigh and then distribute them to the people who need them.
Meals on Wheels provides meals for generally an older segment of the population, but Judy has both ends of the age spectrum covered through the other organization that she enjoys helping: Backpack Buddies.
Helping local kids in need
Judy explained that Backpack Buddies is a program for Raleigh-area schoolchildren who qualify for free and reduced-cost meals at school and may not always have enough food at home on the weekends or over the summer. That’s where the team of Backpack Buddies volunteers helps to fill the gap.
“Various churches in the area gather food and prepare bags for the children to take home each weekend,” Judy said. “The mission team at my church decided more than 10 years ago that we wanted to participate, and I have been the liaison since we started helping out.”
Judy helps the church’s mission team keep up with the prep and the schedule of food deliveries to the schools in its district. Her Backpack Buddies team also encourages children from the congregation to help assemble the food donation bags.
“The children attending our church help fill the bags, which we like because we want the kids in our church to understand that they are part of the volunteering effort,” she said.
With so many people involved, Judy says that working with Backpack Buddies is a good fit for her because she enjoys being part of a group of people.
“It’s the pleasure of getting together with a group of people to collaborate and have enjoyable social time, while making a difference and feeling good about what we’re doing,” Judy continued.
Already feeling at home at Springmoor
There’s no doubt that Judy makes a positive impact in her time away from Springmoor. And when she comes home, she can enjoy the array of amenities or simply relax with peace of mind for the future.
“Even when I was middle-aged, I knew I wanted to choose a Continuing Care Retirement Community where my future needs would be met,” she explained.
Judy added that once she decided Springmoor was the place for her, she opted to put her name on the waitlist at Springmoor as a proactive move. That gave her the time to fully prepare to move, while securing her future and ensuring she’d stay close to her family in Raleigh, where she has lived most of her life.
Adding to her comfort with living at Springmoor is how warmly she’s been welcomed since she joined the community in October of 2019.
“I must say I’ve noticed how friendly the people are at Springmoor,” Judy said. “It’s wonderful how welcomed I felt as a new resident, by everyone, the staff and my neighbors. I expected people to be friendly here, but it’s greater than my expectations by a long shot. It’s the friendliest place I’ve ever been!”
Judy is just one of the countless members of our community who make this place—and the areas around it—better. We invite you to experience the warmth and positivity for yourself on a personalized visit of Springmoor. Simply click here or call us at 919-848-7080 to schedule your visit!