Springmoor offers many extras to our residents. From multiple dining options to an endless list of monthly activities, a state-of-the art exercise facility to a beautifully landscaped 42-acre campus nestled within a neighborhood. We provide care for our residents in many different ways. The Stewart Health Center has established an excellent reputation in our area and attracts many new residents for the care we offer.
The Clinic
Providing on-campus health care is a part of the many conveniences we offer our residents. The clinic is staffed with a full time Physician or a Physician’s Assistant (and often both) every business day. On the weekends and at night an RN is always available. Other medical professionals: including a Podiatrist, a Dentist, an Optician, an Audiologist and a Psychologist make monthly visits to our clinic. Scheduling an appointment with one of them makes the trip to the doctor only a short walk away. You then have more time to spend doing the fun things on your calendar.
If you prefer to continue your care with your own doctors, we also provide transportation to your appointments. Scheduling a ride to your next visit is as easy as a phone call away. With the Durham VA Medical Center, Duke Health and UNC Health Care systems all located in the area, visits to see your specialist are simple. We are happy to consult with your doctors when you have questions or about your health care.
The Stewart Health Center
The Stewart Health Center and our nursing staff are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Lesley Smith, our Director of Nursing, says there is a care team for each resident. These teams each have a social worker, dietician, activities director, nurse and a coordinator. They meet weekly with each other and monthly with family members to help provide the best care possible for our residents.
Our short-term care in the Health Center makes it easy for you to be almost home with friends and family close by. Visiting friends or a spouse in the Health Center is easier too, just walk down the hall or a ride across the street.
The Therapists
If you need rehabilitative care after a small procedure or a surgery, we can get you back on your feet with our Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists. They offer a wide range of care as you recover, helping you to resume your busy Springmoor schedule quickly. Therapy happens in our well-equipped therapy center, the pool or even your own home at Springmoor.
The Home Care
Our Home Care Services is another health care support offered at Springmoor. If you need extra help for only a few hours a week or on weekends, this service can help with medication reminders, laundry, grocery shopping, errands and so much more. Our Home Care Coordinator and Registered Nurse, Joyce Eisele along with our Social Work staff will develop a plan specific to your needs. The Home Care Aides are all Certified Nursing Assistants. These wonderful teams of helping hands are all Springmoor employees and are available to you for an hourly fee as part of our continuing care program.
The Staff
Our entire staff at Springmoor takes great pride in the care we provide. Our residents’ health care is always our first priority. If an independent resident needs to be taken to the hospital emergency room and a family member cannot get away quickly to accompany them, we send one of our staff members to the ER with the resident. The hospitals are grateful for our extra help. Family members can relax knowing that we will always be there when they are traveling or tied up with children or other obligations. And most importantly, our resident has a familiar face there with them to provide comfort. If your stay is extended, you can expect a weekly visit from a member of the Springmoor staff.
The Volunteers
Our residents are part of the care team too. The Health Care Committee is a group of volunteers that visit each month to oversee the daily activities in the Stewart Health Center. They ask residents and staff questions, observe the daily procedures and make inspections of the facilities. Offering suggestions for improvements or thanking the nursing staff for the care they provide is part of what makes our system run so smoothly. They are there to make sure the care provided is the very best it can be for their neighbors and for when it may be their turn.
Another resident volunteer group, Friendly Visits, is also part of our continuing care. These wonderful volunteers visit patients after surgery, bring books, sort mail, play games or just visit. The nursing staff is quick to call on the volunteers when they think a resident could benefit from seeing a neighbor and catching up on the daily news. We have a Pet Therapist too who often visits patients with her Weimaraner. Even your own furry friend is allowed to visit. The love an animal offers brings smiles to everyone. This is certainly our resident’s favorite style of therapy!
Whether you need a ride to the doctor, a visit from a neighbor, help monitoring your blood pressure, an eye exam or a physical therapy session – the Springmoor Health Care team is close by and ready when you need them!