In 1998, Stop Hunger Now was established in Raleigh, NC.
200 million meals have been packaged and distributed to 71 countries since the organizations beginning.
The 5th Stop Hunger Now event was held at Springmoor on October 30, 2015.
50,112 meals were packaged during this event.
5 years of participating, and we are just shy of 250,000 total meals packaged.
$14,532 was raised this year to purchase the supplies.
$0.29 was the cost of each meal.
1 package makes 6 meals.
795 million people in the world are chronically malnourished (The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015).
1 in 9 people on our planet go to bed hungry each night (The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015).
41% of the population lives below the poverty line in this country.
100 bags or 25,000 pounds of rice was used.
40 bags or 10,000 pounds of soy was used.
135 residents and staff participated in this year’s event.
10 firefighters from 5 stations provided extra volunteer manpower.
8 hours to set-up, package, and load the truck.
6 measuring/filling stations (each package contains rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and a flavoring mix that includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals)
3 weighing tables to be sure each package was exact.
3 sealing tables to close each bag
2 boxing tables to package all the meals for the truck
50 gong rings! Each time we packaged another 1,000 meals a volunteer hit the gong.
Tons of singing and toe tapping to “Build Me Up Buttercup,” “Louie Louie,” “Wooly Bully,” and more!
On the 10th of November, the meals were shipped to CitiHope International in the Dominican Republic.
CitiHope provides food and other resources to schools, orphanages, and other community organizations, and supports sustainable educational and development programs that empower locals to create strong self-sufficient communities.
CitiHope director says, “We consider this not to be a ‘charity’ but a real investment in humanity. These children come from families that cannot supply even one meal a day for their children and don’t understand the purpose of education. So the motivation comes from food. These Stop Hunger Now donations are a defining component that heels a nation, multi-dimensionally.”
1,000 of cheers for all the awesome work!