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So much to do!

Resident's day Hornthal 2Gardening, cooking, exercising, teaching, chairing a committee, writing, purchasing, and socializing…. the list goes on and on. A Springmoor resident recently told her family that “I’m too busy for you to drop by today.” She stated that since she has moved in, she has had a hard time finding a day off because there are so many activities to participate in. She said that she “finds it difficult to do everything!”

Spotted in the GardenResidents Day Hornthal 3

At 7:30 each morning, Lindsay and Betty are often spotted in the community garden. They both are relatively new to Springmoor. Betty and her husband moved in just two and a half years ago. And Lindsay and her husband have been here less than a year. Both couples live in our houses. Their friendship blossomed when they began gardening in adjoining plots. Learning from each other and taking turns watering their vegetables and flowers has become their favorite morning activity. Both have extensive flower gardens around their homes too.Residents Day Hornthal 1
In May, Lindsay returned from a trip to Paris with sunflower seeds from Monet’s Home and Garden. The sunflowers now tower over their summer tomato plants and zinnias. In the month ahead, they will plant collards, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Both have learned new tips from our landscape director as well as fellow gardeners. Lindsay loves to cook and will can or pickle many of her vegetables for neighbors, friends and family.
When the sun gets too warm, you can find them inside working in our convenience store, volunteering at the NC Art Museum, attending their grandchildren’s sporting events or on outings with their husbands. Both men are active in our community, working on the Endowment committee, attending yoga classes or working out in the gym. They both like to say they are “retired from meetings” but busier than they ever imagined.

Spotted in the Kitchen

Ann is our Welcome Committee Chairman and happiest when she is baking or delivering muffins, cupcakes or banana bread to a newResident Day: Curren 2 resident. She has a group of eight or nine fellow bakers that welcome our new residents and introduce them to one another. She calls to plan a lunch or dinner date with them soon after they arrive. Ann has been living at Springmoor since 2002.Resident Day: Curren
Besides the Welcome Committee, Ann has also served on the transportation, housekeeping and endowment committees. Training the new wait staff in the dining room was a job she loved and helped with for many years! Now working with vegetables from her brother’s farm, she finds her days filled with pickling cucumbers, and shucking and freezing corn. From her trips to the beach, she returns with buckets filled with blueberries she has picked, and another fun day or two in the kitchen.

Spotted on the Walking Trail

Gwen starts her day with a balancing class at 9 a.m. Afterwards, you will find her walking the many paths around Springmoor’s Resident Day: Nicholsoncampus. A daily walk is a must on her schedule. Upon her return to her apartment, she freshens up, reads the paper and prepares for a lunch date with friends. Afternoons are busy with bridge club either at Springmoor or with friends in the community. Although she has only been here a few months, her routine has only gotten busier since her arrival. She loves to join in on the current event discussions forum and the lecture series. At night, Gwen has found the musical events to be very inspiring. From jazz groups to string quartets, there is always a new opportunity to participate and to get to know her neighbors.
When she moved to Springmoor, her family took photos of her house and recreated it in her new home. They whisked her away one morning, packed her up and entertained her for the day. When she arrived that evening, they had her things arranged exactly like the photographs. Her two daughters, two sons and 10 grandchildren visit often.

Resident Day: AppersonSpotted in the Library, the Garden, the Conference Room, and on the TV

You will see Charlie and Winnie around every corner at Springmoor! They moved here in 1999 and haven’t stopped volunteering since they arrived.
Winnie heads the Library Committee with a group of 35 volunteers. She purchases books, writes reviews, heads a book club group, trains the volunteers and plans writing workshops. You can also find her on the Springmoor television station each morning promoting a new book. Resident's Day libraryShe has been successful in booking Charles Frazier and Margaret Maron to speak to our residents about their newest books. Winnie also writes an article for the Springmoor Herald, a resident published newsletter, each month. If you can’t get to the library, the book cart schedules a visit each week. How many books does she read each month? She says she averages one book per week, but when she finds the time to sit quietly, she leaves everyone to wonder.
Her husband, Charlie can most often be found in the garden. He has 3 plots that are filled with vegetables and flowers. The office staff is most appreciative of his green thumb as he delivers fresh flowers every Monday morning for their desks. For many years, he was the garden coordinator or the “senior” gardener helping and teaching others how to grow the best of everything. With 24 tomato vines at the end of their season, he will soon replace the spring garden with fall okra, zucchini, squash, cucumber and bell peppers. Donating to the NC Food Bank is often where part of his harvest goes as he has always included a “planter’s row” in his garden.Resident's Day Zinnias
After his morning outside, you might find Charlie teaching part of an eight-week computer class in our lab. With 500 graduates, he has helped share his skills with many of our residents. He volunteers in our convenience store and has served on numerous resident committees including the Budget Committee that he chaired for six years. He also served as president of the Springmoor Resident Association. Charlie and Winnie are an active couple that continue to get involved in every corner of our campus.
Look quick! You will probably spot our residents running from one meeting to the next! Or from the garden to the kitchen, or from the library to the gym: there is so much to do…and not enough hours in the day.



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