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Springmoor Floral Focal Points: August 2013

Rainy Summer Saves Money

Thom Morgan

During June and July we need 1.5 inches of water each week to maintain the lawns, trees and shrubs at Springmoor. In June, we received a whopping 9.5 inches, and in July, we got 3.5 inches.

With all that surplus water, we turned the irrigation system off and managed to save some money.

In Floral Focus

Pink crape myrtle

Humid August brings several plants to bloom along our walkways and landscapes. The Stella de Oro (Hemorocallis Stella de Oro) bloom all summer long, and strongly in August. Crape myrtles also bloom in late July, which is why we have five varieties at Springmoor: White crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia Natchez); Pink crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia Sioux); Red crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia Tuscarora); Lavender crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia Muskogee) and Light pink crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia Catawba).

The Mallow family begins to contribute their color in August, starting with Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), and the rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos “Disco Belle pink”). 
More popular members of the mallow family are cotton and okra.

The winner of the largest flower on Springmoor’s campus has to be the Southern Magnolia (Magnolia Grandiflora). As large as dinner plates, these blooms measure 11 inches across, and are very hard to miss.

August Gardening: Make Room for Winter

Mid-August is the time to remove the tired tomatoes, and spent squash plants to make room for the Fall/Winter vegetables. Here at Springmoor, we plant cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and collards.

With one-half acre devoted to vegetable gardening, the residents take home plenty of fresh vegetables. Extra produce is donated to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina at the average of 50 pounds a week.

Springmoor’s Plant A Rowbegan in 2009, and, to date, we have donated 2,686 pounds of vegetables, which ca
n make 2,256 meals. Click here to watch my interview about the program.

Resident Tips: Retired Georgia Agriculture Agent Bill Kibler Says August Means Weeding, Raising your pH

Bill says August is when weeds, and crabgrass start going to seed, so now is a good time to spray with herbicide, or hand-pull as the situation merits.

August is also a good time to prepare your vegetable garden for fall planting of kale, collards, and turnips if you enjoy year-round gardening. Finally, if your soil is acidic (pH 5 or lower) August is a good time to apply lime, since it takes four to five months for the lime to raise the pH.

Springmoor’s community vegetable garden



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