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Springmoor Library Committee Joins with Resident Life to bring Author Bland Simpson to Campus

One of the many responsibilities of the resident-run Library Committee at Springmoor is coordinating author events for the enrichment of the community. At the beginning of October 2022, Committee members were excited to join Resident Life in sponsoring a presentation by noted North Carolina author, Bland Simpson. He spoke in our auditorium on Monday, October 3 at 7 p.m.

Simpson has been called “the celebrated bard of North Carolina’s sound country,” yet he has spent much of his life in the Piedmont area of the state and has frequently traveled into the western mountains of North Carolina. In his most recent book, North Carolina: Land of Water, Land of Sky, he includes all regions of the state, “combining storytelling and travelogues to create a portrait of the Old North State with care and humor.”

Two of the photographers whose work appears in the book accompanied Simpson and participated in the presentation at Springmoor. One of these talented photographers is Tom Earnhardt, and the other is Bland’s wife and creative partner, Ann Cary Simpson.

Their photos, combined with Simpson’s rich narrative, inspire readers to consider not only what North Carolina has been and what it is but also what we hope it will become. This beautiful book belongs on the shelf of longtime residents, newcomers, and visitors alike.

Bland Simpson is Kenan Distinguished Professor of English and Creative Writing at UNC-Chapel Hill, and he is the recipient of the North Carolina Award, the state’s highest civilian honor.

Ann Cary Simpson, photographer, served for 30 years at national and North Carolina environmental organizations and UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Government.

Tom Earnhardt, photographer, is the renowned host-writer-director of the long-running PBS North Carolina television program titled Exploring North Carolina.

Dr. James W. Clark, North Carolina State University Professor of English Emeritus and a long-time friend of Bland Simpson, introduced the speakers. Dr. Clark also coordinates the long-running Life Writing Workshop at Springmoor.

Newcomers and native North Carolinians alike took away many interesting points of information from the event. The presenters autographed books at the conclusion of the presentation.

Many thanks to Betty Bridges, Springmoor resident since 2018 and Chair of the Library Committee of our Residents Association. The above content was adapted from Betty’s column titled “The Library Corner” that appeared in the October 2022 issue of The Springmoor Herald. Each month Betty writes this column for our resident-produced newsletter so that residents are kept up to date on happenings at our library.

About the Springmoor Library and the Resident-Run Library Committee

The Springmoor Library is located on the 2nd floor of the main building in North Village, next to the Business Office. Residents may visit from 10–Noon, Monday through Saturday, and from 1:30–3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Approximately 45 residents currently volunteer on the Springmoor Library Committee of the Residents Association. As the leader of the library committee, Betty is the de facto librarian and plans book-related events, among other responsibilities.

Betty is a retired professional librarian who worked in the Virginia Beach City Public Schools. After being both an elementary and a middle school librarian, she became the coordinator of all libraries in the Virginia Beach school system (there were about 50 at the time). A native of Danville, Virginia, Betty attended Westhampton College at the University of Richmond and received a Master of Library Science degree from East Carolina University.

Members of the community can choose to become involved in one or more of the 19 different resident-led committees of our Residents Association. Our residents are extremely engaged in how all aspects of our community are run.

Plan Your Visit to Springmoor Today!

Get to know current residents before you move in! Those on our waitlist and others interested in joining our community are invited to visit Springmoor for a book club meeting, evening concert, or our Life Writing Workshop with Dr. James Clark.

You can also take advantage of a card game, exercise/aquatics class, and a variety of aspects of spiritual life at Springmoor to help make sure you’re making the best choice for you. In addition to numerous weekly activities coordinated by our two chaplains, we offer resident-led Sunday School. Click here to review our current events and activities highlights.

Springmoor offers seniors a variety of residence options, ranging from apartments to larger villas and homes. If you’re looking for an active senior living community in Raleigh, call us at 919-848-7080 with your questions.

You can also click here to fill out a short online form to receive a free packet of information or schedule an appointment for a personalized tour with COVID safety precautions in place. Our friendly team looks forward to meeting you soon!



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