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All in the Family -Part One, The Rose Family

When it comes to ornamental plants, the Rose Family is the largest contributor. Also known as the Rosacea family, it is made up of 2,830 species of plants. The most popular members are probably the roses themselves. Roses come in the form of Grandiflora, Multiflora, Hedge, Climbing, Miniature, Hardy and Hybrid Teas.

Thom Morgan, Springmoor landscape manager

Less popular, but still big contributors in the landscape industry are Pyracantha, Flowering Quince, Flowering Almonds and Spirea. Thundercloud plums and Washington Hawthorns are also great flowering trees used for landscaping purposes. Trees that bear fruit in the rose family are: apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots and peaches. Also, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are all members of the Rosacea Family.

High Maintenance

Plants in the Rose Family need to be spoiled and looked after quite frequently. These plants succumb to numerous fungal diseases and insect pests. Of the fungal diseases most common are Black Spot, Fire Blight and Canker. Insects that prey on members of the rose family are tent caterpillars, aphids and the Japanese beetle. Deer and rabbits will also eat the bark of the fruit trees, and chew the leaves of the ornamental shrubs in the Rose Family.

Complicated Growing

The Rose Family is at the high end of the plant kingdom, meaning that in order to get another rose, apple or Washington Hawthorn tree, you have to graft a branch on to a rootstock. You may not just root a branch in the ground, or save the seeds and expect them to grow. To make matters even more difficult, if you want apples or pears, you must plant two different varieties that bloom within a couple weeks of one another to grow fruit.
But, what would we do without them? Members of the Rose Family offer us a lot in the way of flowers and fruit. And although they require a significant amount of maintenance and care, they are well worth the effort.

Springmoor Focal Points

Look throughout the campus for gardenias in bloom. I have sprinkled many varieties all over Springmoor. We have the Creeping Gardenia, Kleim’s Hardy Gardenia, August Beauty and Frosty Proof.
Oak Leaf Hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifoilia) have large white blooms and fantastic fall color. You can find them by Villa 26, Second North Entrance and by the vegetable garden shed.
Nikko Blue Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla nikko blue) is a blue flowered hydrangea. Look for them throughout Springmoor. I used them in shady spots that needed a little color.
We only have one Purple Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria Royal Purple) on campus in the Administration portico-parking island. I planted this small tree to catch your eye as you enter our main campus.
Jane Magnolia (Magnolia Jane) is a small tree that already bloomed in April, but it puts on another smaller display of blooms in June. I have these planted all around Springmoor as well.
The Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) blooms with yellow clusters of flowers from June to July. These blooms eventually turn into orange “lanterns” in the Fall. We have one by Villa 1, and two by the Supportive Living Porch.

June Things To Do

  • If you want tomatoes in the fall, now is a good time to plant a second crop.
  • Eggplant, peppers, okra, butternut, pumpkin, acorn and spaghetti squash can be planted now.
  • If you planted garlic last August it will be yellow and flopped over. It’s time to harvest.
  • Any carrots planted in the early spring are harvestable now. I just delivered 5 pounds to the food bank, and it looks like there is another 15 to 20 pounds to go.
  • Pruning: if you feel you have to butcher your azaleas, now is the time to do so, after they have bloomed. I always think it’s best to let them grow naturally.

Next Month: All in the Family Part Two – The Mellow Mallow Family



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